Monday, September 11, 2006


Dear hansum (whoever you may be),

Welcome to Kokyichee! As you may have come to realise, this blog was set up purely for the authors' own enjoyment, and for the entertainment of our readers. As such, we try our utmost best to ensure that our posts are humorous in nature. Also, no offence is intended when I "insult pple", as you put it. You must understand that the authors on this blog are all extremely good friends, and poking fun at one another is one of the ways we express our affection for each other. Also, I think most societies would deem it rather rude to call someone an idiot without substantiating your claim. I would also appreciate it if you would post your comments under your own name, not under a pseudonym that might very well be a totally false claim. Lastly, if I may quote from my friend's blog- "If u don't like what i'm writing, then too bad. It's my blog". Indeed, this statement holds a lot of water. I'm sure you can find a lot of other blogs in the vast blogosphere to go and critique. Thank you so much for your time. Have yourself a very nice day!

Yours sincerely,
Jian Wei


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