Friday, November 02, 2007

there delilah goes again

simple, pimple.
camo on, i sat down on the ground, mud all around.
the mud on my face, is our soil i was told.
the cool moist feeling beneath me,
i sat by the river and it made it complete.

hi, new friend 2007.

9:39:47 PM

(au)amos : your friend request could not be delivered to (au)amos -

friend : what?

(au)amos : your message could not be delivered to amos -

friend : thats not funny
friend : woah that was confusing
friend : it would have been better without the turtle
friend : oops car.

(au)amos : ha
(au)amos : managed to get some shopping done?

friend : not really...
friend : we spent the time walking amosly around
friend : hah ah ha

(au)amos : haha, nice very nice
(au)amos : game plan's not bad!
(au)amos : kinda typical tho, but its not bad

friend : thank you
friend : my sinsei died before i could steal his secret scroll

(au)amos : HUH

friend : like bob and level
friend : huh is another one of those things

(au)amos : i thought level 19, my level, is already not bad

friend : 19 only?
friend : i am 659
friend : keep going
friend : good effort

(au)amos : nah, i'lll take it slowly
(au)amos : one level a year

friend : i confess, i used cheat codes

(au)amos : NO WONDER.......
(au)amos : i ran into some wonderwall and never got going for some time.
(au)amos : got really dejected and decided to take it slow from then on

friend : you have to go through the secret route
friend : cos all the lights that light the way are blinding

(au)amos : then u used the cheat code to get sunglasses?

friend : hah gotcha your trying to get me to tell you the secret code
friend : nope not fooled

(au)amos : ay
(au)amos : exactly the reason why u had the cheat code and i don't
(au)amos : cant get the gamemaster to reveal it, while your charm did the job, perfectly

friend : cos you live in tegrity
friend : its all geographical, really

(au)amos : so there's really no way i could use some cheat to level up quickly? no way i could board the space shuttle to the moon to get the moonstone?
(au)amos : sigh

friend : yep.
friend : let it burn, watch it die
friend : its all over
friend : muahaha

(au)amos : evil one, just you wait. i'll climb up slow
(au)amos : i'll make it up one day
(au)amos : the day will come one day and that day u wont know it's the day that its the day i'm coming

friend : i know the details alrdy
friend : in the shadow of the day, 0653hrs
friend : im one step ahead

(au)amos : i tripped the generators, the streets will be dark, as dark as the day will be. no shadows will be seen, it'll be, ME.

friend : hahaha
friend : you know
friend : i have no idea what this conversation is about

(au)amos : me neither

friend : haha
friend : yokay

(au)amos : haha
(au)amos : it will always remain, a, bu neng shuo de mi mi

friend : hahaha
friend : thats an odd phrase
friend : arent secrets meant not to be said

(au)amos : that, must be left for the gamemaster to decide

friend : if you have the 'charm' required
friend : anything is possible hohoho

(au)amos : by telling you that i've got a secret i cant tell, i'm already telling you that i've got a secret that's supposed to be kept a secret but the secret of a secret aint a secret anymore

friend : i.... see
friend : hahaha
friend : huh

(au)amos : as you may or may not realise, u almost leaked it out
(au)amos : 'i ... seee' cret...?
(au)amos : you let half out

friend : i was gonna say seee afood
friend : hah

(au)amos : you hungry thing, by eating i'll catch up
(au)amos : not just be the duration of your meal, but with the excess baggage you've got on from your meal, the faster one will emerge VICTORIOUS!!!

friend : but my food gives me super speed and threads to go into turbo power
friend : and you willl eat my dust
friend : yohoho

(au)amos : dust is what i feed and thrive on.

friend : i eat and move
friend : hahaha

(au)amos : u aint checking up on me enough competitor

friend : i know all your secrets

(au)amos : that's what you think.
(au)amos : but that's enough
(au)amos : you think you know, i know you don't

friend : i know more than you think i know

(au)amos : u're infiltrating into my camp you intruder you get everything off me you leecher
(au)amos : u're lucky i'm landed right now
(au)amos : that's how the ground conditions allow that to happen
(au)amos : i'm gg to fly, fly from my ipod, into space, where space is in abundance
(au)amos : like the space from this word to this word

friend : thats like some people's brains
friend : right ear left ear
friend : ( the boy is facing you )

(au)amos : whatever is facing me ain't strking any fear in me. what i face is what i show my face to. what he faces, is what i show on my facebook
(au)amos : its a book, written by the hands of the gamemaster

friend : the handbook
friend : where all knowledge converges in the palm of your hand

(au)amos : its all so confusing we watch the sky from underneath the trees, searching for a pattern that isin't one.

friend : oh when life was simple and stars were just the holes to heaven

(au)amos : the simple life we thought it'd be, never like the one paris showed us
(au)amos : the simple life, complicated with the life we need to live
(au)amos : confusing them with satellites.

friend : its the tension that remains
friend : between who you are and who you could be
friend : between how it is and how it should be'

(au)amos : the tension, the conflicts over nothing
(au)amos : nothing we think it is, thinking its more than it is nothing it is

friend : conflakes over strawberries and milk

(au)amos : no that ain't the case
(au)amos : it about feeding your fish, or using the money to buy yourself a Mcspicy double
(au)amos : you kill the fish.
(au)amos : you kill the chicken

friend : then the birds kill you

(au)amos : you result in deforestation with the box.
(au)amos : people end up dying with the eventual conclusion seeing the game master triumph over everything else
(au)amos : its a game, where cheats can be found nowhere afar. it is found right here on our palms
(au)amos : cheating, revealing your inner thoughts, resulting in the dregs surfacing

friend : cheating results in fleeting meetings with devilish beings where seeing is believing
friend : guilt seeping, undesirable reaping, eventually creeping
friend : prohibits sleeping
friend : strawberry ice blends are good

(au)amos : seeing these devilish creatures, creating not a sense of fear, a fear of the dark, a fear of dabbling in the dark

friend : always wear yellow

(au)amos : it gives you the feeling of invincibility that now you see such stuff, u're of such a level unattained
(au)amos : wearing yellow, seemingly looking like a light, a bright like to these beings, stamping your authority

friend : well level 659, relative to 19 can be said to invincible
friend : relativity
friend : thats the key
friend : yellow reflects the blinding lights creating a panoramic field of vision that points the way to inifinty.......
friend : ..... and beyond!

(au)amos : that's when the lightyear comes around
(au)amos : people living in this century, live in a sense of denial
(au)amos : they light up the streets, especially so when there's an occasion, a need, a cause for celebration
(au)amos : only to be in denial that the bright lights' just ahead

friend : walk into the light
friend : and you will seee deaddd peoplee

friend : walk into the lights

(au)amos : with that emphasis, people will think that you are crazy. the cheating has been getting to you
(au)amos : the excess baggage is getting to you
(au)amos : be warned

friend : hahha
friend : much too much to munch

(au)amos : listen to the marching troops, they're coming
(au)amos : it aint too march, its november.

friend : love ember
friend : one letter short

(au)amos : really, blame it on the postman
(au)amos : i stuck the stamp on, i paid the postage

friend : 11 years?
friend : postage past age
friend : didnt check the expiry date

(au)amos : that could be the case
(au)amos : it seems like this curse cant be lifted, its always winter and never christmas
(au)amos : but we live on, our hearts are filled with hope.

friend : but where are the prizes?
friend : winter winter winter
friend : we havent lost yet

(au)amos : its never won or lost. it will never be won or lost
(au)amos : its been worn, out
(au)amos : exposing to the elements of this world

friend : sulphur, rubidium, ruthenium
friend : KmnO4

(au)amos : i swear u're awesome
(au)amos : nobody has, could stand talking to me like that for so long

friend : this is one of the most retarded conversations ive ever had
friend : congrats you hold the high score

(au)amos : yeah you too.

11/1/200710:55:31 PM

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin, this is it.


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