Saturday, February 14, 2009

and i see ool-orths yet again

and in this land, i get to recall what i did 3 years back.
the things we did, the things we said, the breakfast we had.
ool-orth's just one of them.

it's been a long time coming since anything has been said, with many other commitments and desires being put ahead in the queue. it wasn't easy leaving, alone, to this place which i thought i could handle. well yeah, i'm pretty much fine right now, but it was tough, for one day at least. that was when one day felt like eternity.

when all i wanted and needed was a sense of familiarity, something to keep me connected to the world i left, to tell myself that everything's fine and that things will get better. thank God for internet, facebook, skype, msn, whatever that makes communication so much easier today. dinnering alone wasn't pleasant, though manageable. together with a quick trip to across the road to get a 2L bottle of milk, it did make me smile.

i never saw this coming, all these homesickness and whatever that comes along, i thought i'd be alright. it was so tempting to talk to just anyone on my list, to feel some love, to know that there's somebody out there i know. hah yeah, i was feeling really lonely.

but i'm pretty much fine now, and starting to get into all this that's ahead of me. i couldn't believe the fact that screams at me saying, 'hey, this is for real and this is no shit dude, you're going into university, you're going to be here for long. this ain't a holiday, you're here to stay.'
though now i do.

this is a rather big step for me, just done with my service to the nation, straight into uni. i don't even have the luxury of time to make use of my pink ic, or to reflect on how it has been in the last couple years of my life. Mr T didn't wait for me, he just dragged me along. whatever i couldn't hold onto tightly were left behind. whatever i could, i hold dear. 

i will get through this, albeit being lame, really. i don't hold my 11b anymore, or for sure by now, i'll be scanned, or maybe in line for surgery. it's worrying this time i'm afraid. but i'll get through this, with you. 


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