Thursday, July 10, 2008

bluntly put, jason did the singing

Out she came jumping into her backyard with her cell phone in her hand, her face lighted up so bright struggling to contain whatever excitement there was. she spoke as she momentarily paused her jumping and there and then came a hug from mother. one that needed no words of congratulation, just a smile, a big one this time, and you know that she's thinking, 'I'm proud of You', even if it was left unspoken.

The setting was perfect, performed under an overcast sky threatening to, but obviously failing to kill joy, happiness, love. Also threatened was my walk home, though almost completed, but almost is never enough in times like these. With technology(and some cash) giving me the ability to be able to bring my music along with me whenever i am on-the-go,  it was as if Jason was right there by me with a live set right before me with the right song being sang to me: 

listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing,
we're just one big family,
it's our God forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved....

It did seem perfect really. Though of course perfection isn't quite attainable really, by definition. Her joy could have come at the expense of others, my ipod battery could have gone dead at that moment in time, or just by the fact that Jason wasn't right there beside me and my ipod, although plugged in, wasn't playing his song actually(I was lying, heh heh, but it did come to mind really). But no I ain't going think that deeply into things like I always do, and think of it as, perfect. 

Defying concrete definitions yet again, Jason's words of live high, live mighty, live righteously, live high, fits right there into the final scene;
when the act's over,
the props all covered,
lights warmed but done, 
when the audience is gone,
I'll dance here on my own.