Monday, November 26, 2007

I Love It when.

now that it seems so long ago when it was only 3 weeks ago.

Despite advances in technologies, claims that the world is flat by Thomas, most of us read what we are allowed to read.

They dictate what we receive,
They dictate what we hear,
They dictate what we see.
They dictate what we know.

You're stagnant,
Go on and explore the world as it is,
Go on and explore what it has to offer,
Go on and see for yourself what is happening out there.

3 weeks, and now it seems, forgotten.

we move on, for good.
what's the point of living in the past,
living in your former glory like Hugh Grant in music & lyrics - that's of course, if you Do, have former glory to be proud of.

live in the past and people might think you aren't able to face the present.
c'mon dude, its christmas, you're going to open some.
to make yourself feel better, you put the blame on others, or even yourself.

where did you get that from!

on the radio you hear songs saying that 'you can put the blame on me'.

bands with names such as The All Aircan Rejects singing songs breeding pessimism.
they make you feel that you're not alone,
they make you feel that it's ok when it's not.

it's not just their songs, its their name.
it's no different from holding a Loser vanguard in front of you wherever you go.
go ahead and tell people you're a Loser,
it will only result in you, being a, well, Loser.

people hold up signs to show some love giving away Free Hugs, you say you're a loser.
good job.

3 weeks, is all it took.

will you let Them affect you is a process only you can decide.

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong and no one understands you.
you are made to think, yeah! that's it. i feel like that too! exactly the way i feel.

why is the world the way it is?
you go and cry buckloads and think that you're stuck in a moment you cant get out of.
boxes of tissues go to waste,
and you're still unaware that the price of tissue is rising too due to a 2% increase in tax.

3 weeks is nothing.

nothing is impossible, no way.
it is nothing, as compared to 8months ago when i first donned on the green uniform.
it is nothing, as compared to 1 year ago when i left a school i'm still attached to.
it is nothing, as compared to 7 years ago when i made the decision to join a school that is life changing.
yet, as easy as it came, it's gone.

take Novak Djorkovic, a rising tennis star.
said to be able to challenge the Federal Express for the No.1 spot in men tennis.
such potential, such talent.
add a tinge of humour into his on court ethics by mimicking his opponents,
to the extent of serving and squealing like Maria Sharapova.

Yet, it is written by Them, that :
Eventually Djorkovic will be expected to win Slams, and if he does not his jollity will be interpreted as indiscipline, his impersonationsas a lack of concentration. He will change because he will get older, he will change because the world will force him to, he will change because losing plays hell with philosophies about smiling. In a judgemental, media-sees-everything world, No. 1s can't get away with strolling around in their underwear.

Take the case of the Anti-globalists.
There's no denying that globalisation, of which they oppose, aid them in their quest to, stop globalisation.
However, without the World Wide Web, organising a worldwide protest movement would be much more tedious.
The economic integration that these sceptics disapprove of is in many ways necessary for effective resistance to the more specific things they object to - products of globalisation, the World Wide Web.

It seems as if everything we do, is being watched.
If everyone were to be Truman, who are the cast? who is the director.
It seems as if everywhere we go, Big Brother doesn't lose sight of our doings.

Should we take that to heart and thus, restrict the things we do, the thing we enjoy, the things we love, the emotions we show and hide?

M1 - One life, Live it.

"You died doing what you love, and in that, i take some consolation."

This is so incohorent, is it supposed to be?

Friday, November 16, 2007

opel, omega

there was one night i went running.
running throught the streets at 4am,
trying to make use of my empty stomach which will then leave my body to use my fats as its only source of energy.
fats fats fats.

it was empty, maybe the random snails that litter the pavement.
i felt great as the fresh air filled me, because it feels so empty without me!

i never really liked skipping in my life.
maybe its because i never ever managed to skip fast-ly and cool-y.
i had to make the extra teeny jump, a double jump, which will of course, disqualify my standing broad jump.

its nothing like the broadway of anykind.
but with the snails all over, i had to skip once in a while.
not my heartbeat, no.
irregularities in my heartbeat will make me PES E, which is obviously not the case.

jumping over the snails, 'skipping' over them made me feel so involved in a movie.
its as if i'm in baltimore.

Good Morning Singapore...
There's a soldier who lives next door.
He told me he slept on a jungle floor
Then his sergeant told him to sleep somemore.

that's besides the point, the point is, MY RUN!
actually there's not much point either.

all i wanted to tell you is that suddenly..all my troubles seem so far away*BANG*
i ran into something i never thought existed.

watch out snickers, space bar is here to own you.

Friday, November 02, 2007

there delilah goes again

simple, pimple.
camo on, i sat down on the ground, mud all around.
the mud on my face, is our soil i was told.
the cool moist feeling beneath me,
i sat by the river and it made it complete.

hi, new friend 2007.

9:39:47 PM

(au)amos : your friend request could not be delivered to (au)amos -

friend : what?

(au)amos : your message could not be delivered to amos -

friend : thats not funny
friend : woah that was confusing
friend : it would have been better without the turtle
friend : oops car.

(au)amos : ha
(au)amos : managed to get some shopping done?

friend : not really...
friend : we spent the time walking amosly around
friend : hah ah ha

(au)amos : haha, nice very nice
(au)amos : game plan's not bad!
(au)amos : kinda typical tho, but its not bad

friend : thank you
friend : my sinsei died before i could steal his secret scroll

(au)amos : HUH

friend : like bob and level
friend : huh is another one of those things

(au)amos : i thought level 19, my level, is already not bad

friend : 19 only?
friend : i am 659
friend : keep going
friend : good effort

(au)amos : nah, i'lll take it slowly
(au)amos : one level a year

friend : i confess, i used cheat codes

(au)amos : NO WONDER.......
(au)amos : i ran into some wonderwall and never got going for some time.
(au)amos : got really dejected and decided to take it slow from then on

friend : you have to go through the secret route
friend : cos all the lights that light the way are blinding

(au)amos : then u used the cheat code to get sunglasses?

friend : hah gotcha your trying to get me to tell you the secret code
friend : nope not fooled

(au)amos : ay
(au)amos : exactly the reason why u had the cheat code and i don't
(au)amos : cant get the gamemaster to reveal it, while your charm did the job, perfectly

friend : cos you live in tegrity
friend : its all geographical, really

(au)amos : so there's really no way i could use some cheat to level up quickly? no way i could board the space shuttle to the moon to get the moonstone?
(au)amos : sigh

friend : yep.
friend : let it burn, watch it die
friend : its all over
friend : muahaha

(au)amos : evil one, just you wait. i'll climb up slow
(au)amos : i'll make it up one day
(au)amos : the day will come one day and that day u wont know it's the day that its the day i'm coming

friend : i know the details alrdy
friend : in the shadow of the day, 0653hrs
friend : im one step ahead

(au)amos : i tripped the generators, the streets will be dark, as dark as the day will be. no shadows will be seen, it'll be, ME.

friend : hahaha
friend : you know
friend : i have no idea what this conversation is about

(au)amos : me neither

friend : haha
friend : yokay

(au)amos : haha
(au)amos : it will always remain, a, bu neng shuo de mi mi

friend : hahaha
friend : thats an odd phrase
friend : arent secrets meant not to be said

(au)amos : that, must be left for the gamemaster to decide

friend : if you have the 'charm' required
friend : anything is possible hohoho

(au)amos : by telling you that i've got a secret i cant tell, i'm already telling you that i've got a secret that's supposed to be kept a secret but the secret of a secret aint a secret anymore

friend : i.... see
friend : hahaha
friend : huh

(au)amos : as you may or may not realise, u almost leaked it out
(au)amos : 'i ... seee' cret...?
(au)amos : you let half out

friend : i was gonna say seee afood
friend : hah

(au)amos : you hungry thing, by eating i'll catch up
(au)amos : not just be the duration of your meal, but with the excess baggage you've got on from your meal, the faster one will emerge VICTORIOUS!!!

friend : but my food gives me super speed and threads to go into turbo power
friend : and you willl eat my dust
friend : yohoho

(au)amos : dust is what i feed and thrive on.

friend : i eat and move
friend : hahaha

(au)amos : u aint checking up on me enough competitor

friend : i know all your secrets

(au)amos : that's what you think.
(au)amos : but that's enough
(au)amos : you think you know, i know you don't

friend : i know more than you think i know

(au)amos : u're infiltrating into my camp you intruder you get everything off me you leecher
(au)amos : u're lucky i'm landed right now
(au)amos : that's how the ground conditions allow that to happen
(au)amos : i'm gg to fly, fly from my ipod, into space, where space is in abundance
(au)amos : like the space from this word to this word

friend : thats like some people's brains
friend : right ear left ear
friend : ( the boy is facing you )

(au)amos : whatever is facing me ain't strking any fear in me. what i face is what i show my face to. what he faces, is what i show on my facebook
(au)amos : its a book, written by the hands of the gamemaster

friend : the handbook
friend : where all knowledge converges in the palm of your hand

(au)amos : its all so confusing we watch the sky from underneath the trees, searching for a pattern that isin't one.

friend : oh when life was simple and stars were just the holes to heaven

(au)amos : the simple life we thought it'd be, never like the one paris showed us
(au)amos : the simple life, complicated with the life we need to live
(au)amos : confusing them with satellites.

friend : its the tension that remains
friend : between who you are and who you could be
friend : between how it is and how it should be'

(au)amos : the tension, the conflicts over nothing
(au)amos : nothing we think it is, thinking its more than it is nothing it is

friend : conflakes over strawberries and milk

(au)amos : no that ain't the case
(au)amos : it about feeding your fish, or using the money to buy yourself a Mcspicy double
(au)amos : you kill the fish.
(au)amos : you kill the chicken

friend : then the birds kill you

(au)amos : you result in deforestation with the box.
(au)amos : people end up dying with the eventual conclusion seeing the game master triumph over everything else
(au)amos : its a game, where cheats can be found nowhere afar. it is found right here on our palms
(au)amos : cheating, revealing your inner thoughts, resulting in the dregs surfacing

friend : cheating results in fleeting meetings with devilish beings where seeing is believing
friend : guilt seeping, undesirable reaping, eventually creeping
friend : prohibits sleeping
friend : strawberry ice blends are good

(au)amos : seeing these devilish creatures, creating not a sense of fear, a fear of the dark, a fear of dabbling in the dark

friend : always wear yellow

(au)amos : it gives you the feeling of invincibility that now you see such stuff, u're of such a level unattained
(au)amos : wearing yellow, seemingly looking like a light, a bright like to these beings, stamping your authority

friend : well level 659, relative to 19 can be said to invincible
friend : relativity
friend : thats the key
friend : yellow reflects the blinding lights creating a panoramic field of vision that points the way to inifinty.......
friend : ..... and beyond!

(au)amos : that's when the lightyear comes around
(au)amos : people living in this century, live in a sense of denial
(au)amos : they light up the streets, especially so when there's an occasion, a need, a cause for celebration
(au)amos : only to be in denial that the bright lights' just ahead

friend : walk into the light
friend : and you will seee deaddd peoplee

friend : walk into the lights

(au)amos : with that emphasis, people will think that you are crazy. the cheating has been getting to you
(au)amos : the excess baggage is getting to you
(au)amos : be warned

friend : hahha
friend : much too much to munch

(au)amos : listen to the marching troops, they're coming
(au)amos : it aint too march, its november.

friend : love ember
friend : one letter short

(au)amos : really, blame it on the postman
(au)amos : i stuck the stamp on, i paid the postage

friend : 11 years?
friend : postage past age
friend : didnt check the expiry date

(au)amos : that could be the case
(au)amos : it seems like this curse cant be lifted, its always winter and never christmas
(au)amos : but we live on, our hearts are filled with hope.

friend : but where are the prizes?
friend : winter winter winter
friend : we havent lost yet

(au)amos : its never won or lost. it will never be won or lost
(au)amos : its been worn, out
(au)amos : exposing to the elements of this world

friend : sulphur, rubidium, ruthenium
friend : KmnO4

(au)amos : i swear u're awesome
(au)amos : nobody has, could stand talking to me like that for so long

friend : this is one of the most retarded conversations ive ever had
friend : congrats you hold the high score

(au)amos : yeah you too.

11/1/200710:55:31 PM

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin, this is it.